Example CV for PhD Students

This page is part of my advice pages.

I created an example CV, or curriculum vitae, for PhD students. Rather than a fictitious CV (potentially unrealistic) or the CV I wrote as a PhD student (which could have been better), it's a retrospective CV: written for me as a PhD student but written by me now, with the skills of a professor.

I release the following files:

I provide these materials as-is and cannot provide support for them. If you're new to LaTeX, using this CV template (or any that you prefer) is a good way to learn it, since you'll be replacing content rather than coding from scratch.

As the endnotes explain, this CV represents me in Fall 2009. I was four years into the Computer Science PhD program at University of Maryland and two years away from graduating. I had completed my comprehensive exam and PhD proposal in April of that year. To avoid confusing web crawlers or out-of-context human readers, I've used anagrams of my name (hence the fictitious Wilhom Rosins) and all other people's names. I've also rephrased all of our paper titles.

Remember the difference between a CV and a resume: for a PhD student, the CV demonstrates your scholarly profile and trajectory, while the resume demonstrates your preparation to work on specific kinds of tasks. The CV is often best when applying for awards, fellowships, and jobs within academia. The resume is best for most jobs in industry. If you're uncertain which to provide for an opportunity, just ask.

You can also compare Wilhom's CV to my current CV, which is longer and has a more elaborate sectional structure. For both, note that I am a computer scientist in the USA, and CV norms may vary by discipline and location.